Thursday, 9 February 2012

SwfListView: Determining the image in a listview using QTP

Some applications use an image in a listview to display information about the status of the item. Unfortunately, QTP does not provide any methods to access this information using GetROProperty.

By using the .object property we can get access to the exposed .net properties and methods of the listview.

Take the following screenshot:

The application is using a red and green icon to display the status. What we want to do is know which icon is being displayed. The following code will output this information to the debug window:

Set oItems = SwfWindow("Application A").SwfListView("lvwListView").Object.Items

For n = 0 to oItems.count -1
 print "Item index " & n & ", ImageKey=" & oItems.Item(n).ImageKey
 print "Item index " & n & ", ImageIndex=" & oItems.Item(n).ImageIndex
Note that we are using two properties here - imagekey and imageindex. This is because the development team may implement this image in two different ways, so one of these pieces of information will tell you what you need to know.

In my example, ImageIndex is set to 1 when the green icon is shown.

For more information and to see what other properties/methods are available, see the ListView and ListViewItem msdn documentation.

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